[a] C. Majawa, (2003), “A Theology of the Built Environment: Justice, Empowerment and Redemption” by T. J. Gorrenge 2002, In African Christian Studies, Vol 1 March 2006. [b] C. Majawa, (2006), “Theology of Reviving Church Structures Today: A Protestant Approach”: Charles Eckardt, in African Christian Studies, Vol 22, no 1, March 2006. [c] C. Majawa, (2008), “A Theology of the Church of the Third Millennium” by Phillip Cunningham (2007) in African Christian Studies.[d] C. Majawa, (2008) “Theology of Triune God and Love in Modern Communities” by Lawrence Hughes (2008) in African Christian Studies.[e] C. Majawa, (2008) “Relevance of Theology of The Book of Wisdom Today: Its Inculturation in the Local Context for Ideal Humanization” by Willard Hoffmann in African Christian Studies.[f] C. Majawa, (2011) “Church as a Communion: An African Christian Perspective”: Theology of the Local Church in The Light of the Second Vatican Council by Ferdinand Nwaigbo, Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag, 1966 pp 435. [g] C. Majawa (2011) Mary Mother of the African Church: A Theological Inculturation of Mariology by Ferdinand Nwaigbo. Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag, 2001 pp 215. [h] C. Majawa (2011) Faith in an Age of Reason and Science by Ferdinand Nwaigbo, Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag, 2003, pp 281
- Christology – BDT 203
- One God and the Holy Trinity – BDT 204
- Ecclesiology – BDT 205
- Sacraments of Initiation and Sacramental Economy – BSL 210
- Church History (Early/Medieval/Contemporary/African) CHT 300
- Christian Anthropology: Creation/Fall/Grace – DT 303.
- Patristic and Early Christian Teaching (PEC-DT 306)
- Theology of Church Encyclicals – BDTE 502
- Eschatology Today-LDT 104
- Challenges of Mariology Today- LDT 105
- Papacy: Ministry of Unity in the Church-LDT 203
- Inculturation of the Encyclical Fides et Ratio-LDT 207
- Theology of the Church Magisterium-LDT 208
- Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit Leads us-LC 211
- Ecclesia Function of a Theologian-LC 214
- Theology of Mission Ecclesiology-LDTE 201
- Witchcraft in Africa: Anthropological and Theological Analysis-LS 130
- Redemptoris Missio: Theological Models/Trends for Evangelization- LS 150
- Methodology and Research in Theology-DDT 103
- Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue (EID/T301)
- Justice, Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa (JPSD/T304)
- Cultural Anthropology and Contextual Theology (CACT/T306)
- Good Governance and Political Integrity in Africa (GGPA/T307)
- Philosophy, Theology and Praxis of Holistic Education (PTPE/T309)
- Challenges and Opportunities in Marriage and Family (COMF/T310)
- Philosophy and Theology of Migrants and Refugees (PTMR//001)
- Philosophy, History and Spirituality of Patristic Education (PHS/P.Edu/002)
- Philosophy, History and Spirituality of Patristic Economics (PHS/P.Eco/003)
- Philosophy, History and Spirituality of Patristic Law (PHS/P.Law/004)
- Philosophy, History and Spirituality of Patristic Politics (PHS/P.Pol/005)
- Philosophy and Theology of Ecology and Environment (PTEE/DT/015)
- Philosophy and Theology of Agriculture (PTA/DT/014)
- Philosophy and Theology of Higher Education (PTHE/DT/012)
- Philosophy and Theology of ICT and Social Media (PTICT/DT 010)
- Philosophy and Theology of Holistic Counselling (Marriage/Education/Hospital/Military/Police)
- Philosophy and Theology of Three Arms of Government (Executive/Legislature/Judiciary)
- Studies of Multiculturalism, Multi-religionism and Globalization (SMMG/DT/016)
- Theology of Development in the Context of Relativism, Secularism and Neo-Atheism.
- Theology and Praxis of Ecumenism Toda-DDT 104.
- Diploma in Catholic Charismatic Renewal & Transformative Chaplaincy-Dipl/CCRM
- Diploma in Theology and Pastoral Studies – Dipl/TPS/009)(40) Bible in Pastoral and Shepherding Studies – BPSS/DT/111)