
                                                                CURRICULUM VITAE

                                     REV. PROF. CLEMENT CHINKAMBAKO ABENGUUNI  MAJAWA.

The Catholic University of Eastern Africa                                                                                                                                       Box 62157, 00200 Nairobi, Langata – Bogani East Road, NAIROBI
[email protected];
Tel: +254.722.659.020

Permanent Address in Malawi:                                                                                                                                              Box 5838, Limbe – BLANTYRE 9.                                                                                                                                                                    Tel: +265.888.330.018 (Malawi)

                                                                                      MOTTO:                                                                                                                                                                                                        Duc in altum – Go in depth’ (Luke 5:4) for Informative, Formative, Performative and Transformative Evangelization, Education and Life.

EDUCATION:                                                                                                                                                               Prof. Majawa belongs to Blantyre Catholic Archdiocese (Malawi) and holds the following academic qualifications: Sacred Doctorate (PHD) in Dogmatic Theology from Pontifical University of Urbaniana – Rome (1994); Licentiate in Dogmatic Theology from CUEA – Nairobi (1991); Master of Arts in Spirituality & Counseling from Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum – Rome (1995); Postgraduate Diploma in Education from Hythrop University – London; Diploma in Pastoral and Church Management from St. John’s University – New York (1997); Diploma in Church Leadership, Justice & Peace, Resthariem – Capetown in South Africa and Advanced Certificate – Patristic and Christian Higher Education from St. Michael’s University College – Toronto. His doctoral dissertation at Urbaniana University entitled “Inculturation of the Doctrine of Fidelity in Sacramental Marriage: The Case of the Yao in the Local Church of Malawi, A Dogmatic Theological Study” (1994) was supervised by Prof. John Egbulefu; Prof. Jozko Pirc and Prof. Andre Joos; The Licentiate / STL Thesis entitled ‘African Christian Theology of Marriage: A Challenge in the Context of Traditional, Civil and Sacramental Marriages in the Local Church’(1990) was supervised by Prof. Charles Nyamiti and Prof. Laurenti Magesa; Master of Arts in Spiritual Theology and Integrated Counseling with a Thesis entitled: ‘Integrated Chaplaincy and Psycho-Spiritual Counseling in Schools: With Reference to Catholic Secondary Schools in the Archdiocese of Blantyre – Malawi’, (1995) supervised by Prof. Bernadine Ferrari and Prof. Andrew Mitchell at Pontifical University of Angelicum / St Thomas Aquinas – Rome (1995)


RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP:                                                                                           

Has significant timely research portfolio with many publications including over 18 books, over 25 book chapters and numerous articles published in national and international peer reviewed journals. His recent publications include : Church and State: Institutions of Leadership and Governance in Africa, Nairobi: Scroll Technologies, 2022, ISBN 978-9966-015-19-8; Politics of Divine Investment: A Challenge in Africa, Nairobi: Scroll Technologies, 2022; Conscience and Corruption in Democratic Africa, Nairobi: Scroll Technologies, 2022. Patristic Science and Education: History, Philosophy, Spirituality and Teachers of Holistic Education, Nairobi: Scroll Technologies, 2020. Co-authored a classic book with Len Kofler and Mary Ochieng, Patristic and Counselling Trends of Education for Transformative Development, Nairobi: Scroll Technologies, 2020. He is a renowned and honored author of a classic innovative book on higher education ‘Patristic Education: Kijabe Publications 2014; ISBN: 978-9966-015-17-4, reprinted in 2016 and 2018. Authored a much circulated publication: ‘The Holy Spirit and Charismatic Renewal in Africa and Beyond’, Nairobi: Kijabe Printing Press, 2007, ISBN: 9966-909-47-8. It got international recognition and was presented with other literature on Pneumatology and Charismatology at DePaul University in Chicago. His latest, timely and patenting books volumes 1 and 2, ‘A Handbook on Borderline between Christianity and Witchcraft: Biblical, Theological and Societal Conversations’ Nairobi: Scroll Technologies, 2018; ISBN: 978-9966-015-19-8. Won a 2018 best-selling book award by Scrolls Technology in Nairobi; Other scholarly works include: (i) Foundations and Evolution of Christian Education, Rome: San Francesco, 1995, ISBN: 9966-021-557-11-7; (ii) The Integrated Approach to African Christian Theology of Inculturation, Nairobi: Creation Enterprise, 2005. ISBN: 9966-909-38-9; (iii) African Christian Reconciliation, Nairobi: Kijabe Printing Press, 2009, ISBN: 9966-909-64-8; (iv) The Teaching and Devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Nairobi: Kijabe Printing..Press,2011, ISBN: 978-9966-015-14-3  (v) A Guide to Research Work and University Studies for the Faculty of Theology (eds.), Nairobi: CUEA Press, 2013, ISBN: 9966-909-79-6; (vi) A The Routledge Companion To Christianity in Africa by Elias Bongmba (ed.), Oxford: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2016, ISBN: 9780415705028. (vii) Patristic Education: History, Philosophy Spirituality and Teachers of Holistic Education, Nairobi: Scroll Publications, 2019, ISBN: 978-9966-016; (viii) Patristic and Holistic Education for Human Development: Historical, Psychological and Transformational Theories and Approaches, co-authored by Clement Majawa, Len Fofler and Mary Achieng, Nairobi: Scroll Publications, 2019, ISBN: 978-9966-051-198. Has authored chapters in some of the following resource books: (ix) Chapter 1 (Preamble) Reorienting The Curriculum for Sustainability, entitled “Reconstruction of 21st Integrated Value-Based Curriculum, edited by Jacinta Adhiambo and Ngigi Kang’ethe, Nairobi: CUEA PRESS, 2016, ISBN: 978-9966-015-45-7 (x) Chapter 13, “Faith Based Institutions of Higher Education: Model for Trans-disciplinary Value Education in Developing Countries in Africa: A Continent in Transition Maurice Amutabi and Linet Hamasi, Nairobi: CEDRED, 2017, 96-105; (xi) Chapter 26, “Philosophy of Natural Law in Public Life:  Common Ground for Sustainable Development in Africa” in Africa: A Continent in Transition by M. Amutabi and L. Hamasi, eds., Nairobi: CEDRED, 2017, 295-302; (xii) Chapter 31, “Educating Refugees for Sustainable Development in Africa: A Socio-Religious Project for Human Empowerment and Transformation” in Africa Rising: Narrating Success of a Resurgent Continent by M. Amutabi and L. Hamasi, eds., Nairobi: CEDRED, 2017, 345-355; Recently he has made contributions to chapters in newly released Books: (xiii) Chapter 7 “Analysis of New Contexts of Pentecostalism: Opportunities for Development and transformation in Africa” in Diaries of development in Africa by M. Amutabi, ed. (2019); (xiv) Chapter 8 Restoration of Ethics in a Person as a Center of Technology for Human Development in Africa: Theological Critique’ in New Order in Africa by A. Amutabi and Bore, eds. (2019)  (xv) Chapter 20 ‘Discipline in Natural Resources and World Economic Order through Messianic Business and Patristic Economics in Africa’ in Global Trends in Africa’s Development by M. Amutabi and L. Hamasi, 242-255; (2019)  (xvi) His TWO 2018 renown internationally published writings are: [a] ‘Pitfalls and Successes of Pilot and Large-Scale Literacy Interventions at Early Grade: A Literature Review’ and [b] ‘Can Reading Be Used as a Predictor of Literacy Outcomes? A Literature Review’ in International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 6 No.6 June 2018; ISSN: (Pages 197-210 and 211-224 respectively) co-authored with Dr. Dunston Kwayumba. Has many classic, literal, moral, Biblical and Christian poems and plays for secondary schools, colleges and universities in Malawi and Kenya; some of them won some awards at the Association of Teaching English in Malawi (ATEM).

POFESSSIONAL MEMBERSHIP                                                                                                 

Member of MAWU (Malawian Writers Union)In 1998-2000; Served as a member of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Standards of Education in Malawi appointed by President Dr. Bakili Muluzi; Member of African International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education IAPCHE or Networking Christian Scholars (CPCHEA) – (2013-to date); Sits on several Editorial Boards including: CUEA’s Theological Journal of African Christian Studies (Nairobi); CUEA’s Social Scientific Journal of Education and Humanities; Biblical Studies Journal (Veda Publications, Gunadala, Vijayawada, INDIA) 2016 to date. Furthermore, he serves on the following professional international Boards: (i) Global Illuminators’ Publishing & Editorial Board, MALAYSIA 2015- to date. (ii) Advisory Board member: Centre for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology-CWCIT (De Paul University, CHICAGO, USA) 2015- to date (iii) Member of African International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education IAPCHE or Networking Christian Scholars (CPCHEA) – (2013-to date). (iv) Association of African Theologians (ATA)  ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (2008 –to date) (v) Member representative of COCTI (International Commission of Catholic Theological Institutions) –African Section (2008-2012)  (vi) Consultant of Southern Africa Catholic Theological Commission; Member of Society for African Life and Thought (SALT): Academic Research and Transformation in Africa; (Vii) The founding member of Theological Outfit for Malawian Theologians (Diaspora) together with Prof. Augustine Musopole (Kenya) Prof. Peter Qeko Jere and Prof. James Amanze (Botswana). Honored and recognized for contribution to Excellent Research and Contribution to a Vital Church and Society in Africa – at the Second PAN-African Congress on Theology, Society & Pastoral Life in Africa and in the World, Nairobi, 2022.  Honored with continental award of outstanding ‘African Catholic Theologians’ by ATA in Nairobi (2009); Acknowledged for developing a unique classic innovative ‘Patristic Educational Theory and Practice’ (2005) which was piloted and implemented at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa-Kenya, in some African universities and is highly appreciated by some educational policy makers, implementers and pertinent stake-holders for quality holistic and transformative education and sustainable development.   



At the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, he served as Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Director – School of Graduate Studies, Head of Dogmatic Theology Department; Served in some university bodies including: University Council, University Management Board (UMB); University Council Staffing Committee; University Council Finance Committee, University Senate, University Council Evaluation and Planning Committee; University Deans Committee, University Quality Assurance Committee, University Award of Excellence Committee, University Doctoral Committee; University Procurement Committee, Chair of University School of Graduate Governing Board. He was instrumental in the drafting of various CUEA policy documents including: Policy and Guidelines for Academic and support staff, ‘Catholic Identity: Meaning and Implementation’ (2009); CUEA Parish: Chaplaincy and Pastoral Council (2010) and ‘School of Graduate Studies: Policies, Guidance and Procedures’ (2016); Twice, he was a a Resource scholar at the Regional Body of Catholic Bishops of Eastern Africa – Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan and Zambia (AMECEA): [a] AMECEA 17th Plenary Assembly at CUEA in Nairobi, Kenya [27th June – 6th July 2011] Theme: AMECEA Celebrating Golden Jubilee of Evangelization in Solidarity. Presentation: “Theological Framework for Addressing the Quality Dimension of Evangelization in the AMECEA Region”, Nairobi: CUEA, 2011, pp. 59-84. [b] AMECEA 18th Plenary Assembly at Bingu International Conference Centre in Lilongwe, Malawi [16th – 26th July 2014] Presentation: “New Evangelization as an Opportunity to work towards True Conversion and Witness to Christian Faith: Emphasis on Family Life and Small Christian Communities”.



Has supervised many Doctoral (PhD) dissertations/ MA Thesis/ BA/ Diploma students up to completion; Conducted professional training on value education, quality assurance, planning, monitoring, administration, academic programs and supervision at all levels of higher education; An external examiner, University of Malawi, (Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Zomba,  Malawi (2003-2006); External Examiner at Nairobi and Kenyatta Universities (Department of Theology & Religious Studies, Nairobi, Kenya (2005-2006 and 2006-2008 respectively); Internal Examiner, Faculties of Education & Arts and Social Sciences – CUEA (2007-12); He was a visiting Research Scholar, University of St. Michael’s College – University of Toronto, Canada (2012-2013). Member of Reviewing of the Academic Programmes and University Structures at the Holy Trinity Theological College in Harare, Zimbabwe, [2008]; Inter-university linkages and partnership visitation to Liverpool Hope University in United Kingdom, 2009; Inter-Departmental partnership research-visit to Makumira Lutheran University in Moshi, Tanzania [2007]; Research-conference visit to St. John Lateran Pontifical University  [Rome] organized by the Congregation of the Catholic Education in Rome [2011]; Adjunct lecturer at Tangaza, Hekima (Jesuit), Marist International, Don Bosco, Consolata, Chemchemi University colleges in Kenya; and visiting professor cum Research scholar at Resthariem university in Cape-town, South Africa; Liverpool Hope University St. Michael’s University College in Canada. Honors and Awards: In 2019 He was awarded a Certificate of Academic honor of ‘Literary Excellence & Scholarly Golden Recognition’ by Scroll Technologies in Nairobi for Being An Outstanding Entrepreneurial Researcher & Best Selling Author of the Year: 2017-2018 of the Innovative Academic Book: Patristic Education (2018).




Books of Prof. Austin Mumba Cheyeka (Zambia) (i) The Changing Face of Zambias Christianity & its

Implications for the Public Sphere: A Case Study of Bauleni Township in Lusaka (ii) A Christian Nation’: An Incentive from Muslim Identity & Christian-Muslim: Dialogue Theology, Religion & Philosophy(BJTRP), Vol.4, No.1, 2012, pg.45-71 (iii) Charismatic Churches & their Impact on Mainstream Churches in Zambia in Journal of Humanities: The Universities of Zambia, Vol-5,2005,ISSN 1027-7455

Books of Prof. Ferdinand Nwaigbo (Nigeria): (i) An African Christian Perspective. Theology of the Local

Church in the Light of the Second Vatican Council; Peter Lang Berlag, Grankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, WIEN, NEW York, Paris, 1966 (ii) Mary Mother of the African Church. A Theological Inculturation of Mariology; Petr Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern Wien, New York, Paris, 2001, PP.215 (iii) Faith in an Age of Reason and Science. Peter Lang Verlag, am Main Berlin, Bern, WIEN, New York, Paris, 2003, pp.281. (vi) Self-Reliance in teh 21st Century Church in Afrca. AFER: African Ecclesial Review. Published by the AMECEA Gaba Publication

Eldoret, KENYA, February – April 2002, Volume 44, Number 1&2, pp.35-61 (v) The HIV/AIDS Pandemic: A Crucial Task for the Church in Africa. AFER: African Ecclesial Review. Published by the AMECEA, Gaba

Publication, Eldoret, Kenya, March 2004, Volume 46, Number 1, pp.2-22 (vi) Child Labour in Africa: An Erosion of Human Dignity. After: African Ecclesial Review. Published by the AMECEA, Gaba Publication,

Eldoret, Kenya, Vol.46,No.2, June 2004, pp.176-196 (vi) The Church, Leadership and Employment in Africa.

AFER: African Ecclesial Review. Published by the AMECEA, Gaba Publication, Eldoret, Kenya, September 2004, Volume 46, Number 3, pp.260-272 (vii) The Social Teachings of the Church: Forty years After

Pacem in Terris.Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies; A Publication of Faculty of Humanities, University of PROT Hr court, Volume 5, Number 2, 2004,pp. 113-125

Book of Prof. Stan Chu Ilo (Canada): The Church and Development in Africa: Aid and Development

from the Perspective of Catholic Social Ethics, Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa2013.

Book of Dr. Geoffrey Muhuri (Kenya) The Gikuyu Value of Solidarity as a Way of Enhancing the

Christian Spirituality of Fraternal Concern, Nairobi: CUEA Press, 2013.

Book of Dr. Frederick Omolo (Kenya)  Sacrament of Reconciliation and Inculturated Praxis:

Dogmatic Theological Survey from the Perspective of the Luo Bonding Processes;

Nairobi CUEA Press 2010.

Book of Prof. Anthony Parankimalil (India) You are Not Rejected, Nairobi: Vincentian House,

Lavington, Nairobi 2010.

Book of Dr. Jereme Sengabo (Rwanda) The Partnership with Death Through Human Despair, Greed

and Jealousy, Nairobi: CUEA Press, 2010.

Book of Prof. Richard Rwiza (Tanzania) Ethics of Human Rights: The African Contributions Nairobi,

CUEA Press 2010;

Books of Prof. Callisto Locheng, (Uganda) Foundations in Missiology;  Nairobi CUEA Press 2010; and Introduction of Fundamental Theology. Nairobi CUEA Press 2010.

Book of Dr. Severine Mafikiri, (Tanzania) Christ as the Mangi: Ideal King Christian Transformation for

Deeper Evangelization: A Christology from Chagga Perspective. Nairobi: CUEA Press 2010.

Book of Dr. Noelina Nakato (Uganda) The Challenges Posed by Canon 1286 on Church Employers: A perspective on some of Religious Institutes in Uganda in Recognition to DomesticWorkers. Nairobi, CUEA Press, 2010. Book of Prof. Prof. Charles Nyamiti (Tanzania)  African Christian Studies, vol. 4 Christs Ancestral Mediation through the Church Understood as Gods Family: An Essay on African Ecclesiology, Nairobi: CUEA Publications, 2010.

He has written FOREWORD for some Books including: (1) Psychodynamics in School Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities by Dr. Francis Verye   FMS, Limuru – Nairobi, Kolbe Press, 2021, (2) Eucharistic Values and Global Hunger by Dr. Evaristus Ekwem, OCD, Lagos: Incredible Prints 2022




[a] C. Majawa, (2003), “A Theology of the Built Environment:  Justice, Empowerment and Redemption” by T. J. Gorrenge 2002, In African Christian Studies, Vol 1 March 2006. [b] C. Majawa, (2006), “Theology of Reviving Church Structures Today:  A Protestant Approach”: Charles Eckardt, in African Christian Studies, Vol 22, no 1, March 2006. [c] C. Majawa, (2008), “A Theology of the Church of the Third Millennium” by Phillip Cunningham (2007) in African Christian Studies.[d] C. Majawa, (2008) “Theology of Triune God and Love in Modern Communities” by Lawrence Hughes (2008) in African Christian Studies.[e] C. Majawa, (2008) “Relevance of Theology of The Book of Wisdom Today:  Its Inculturation in the Local Context for Ideal Humanization” by Willard Hoffmann in African Christian Studies.[f] C. Majawa, (2011) “Church as a Communion:  An African Christian Perspective”: Theology of the Local Church in The Light of the Second Vatican Council by Ferdinand Nwaigbo, Frankfurt:  Peter Lang Verlag, 1966 pp 435. [g] C. Majawa (2011) Mary Mother of the African Church:  A Theological Inculturation of Mariology by Ferdinand Nwaigbo.  Frankfurt:  Peter Lang Verlag, 2001 pp 215. [h] C. Majawa (2011) Faith in an Age of Reason and Science by Ferdinand Nwaigbo, Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag, 2003, pp 281



(1) Christology – BDT 203

(2) One God and the Holy Trinity – BDT 204

(3) Ecclesiology – BDT 205

(4) Sacraments of Initiation and Sacramental Economy – BSL 210

(4b) Church History (Early/Medieval/Contemporary/African) CHT 300

(5) Christian Anthropology: Creation/Fall/Grace – DT 303.

(5b) Patristic and Early Christian Teaching (PEC-DT 306)

(6) Theology of Church Encyclicals – BDTE 502

(7) Eschatology Today-LDT 104

(8) Challenges of Mariology Today- LDT 105

(9) Papacy: Ministry of Unity in the Church-LDT 203

(10) Inculturation of the Encyclical Fides et Ratio-LDT 207

(11) Theology of the Church Magisterium-LDT 208

(12) Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit Leads us-LC 211

(13) Ecclesia Function of a Theologian-LC 214

(14) Theology of Mission Ecclesiology-LDTE 201

(15) Witchcraft in Africa: Anthropological and Theological Analysis-LS 130

(16) Redemptoris Missio: Theological Models/Trends for Evangelization- LS 150

(17) Methodology and Research in Theology-DDT 103

(18) Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue (EID/T301)

(19) Justice, Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa (JPSD/T304)

(20) Cultural Anthropology and Contextual Theology (CACT/T306)

(21) Good Governance and Political Integrity in Africa (GGPA/T307)

(22) Philosophy, Theology and Praxis of Holistic Education (PTPE/T309)

(23) Challenges and Opportunities in Marriage and Family (COMF/T310)

(24) Philosophy and Theology of Migrants and Refugees (PTMR//001)

(25) Philosophy, History and Spirituality of Patristic Education (PHS/P.Edu/002)

(26) Philosophy, History and Spirituality of Patristic Economics (PHS/P.Eco/003)

(27) Philosophy, History and Spirituality of Patristic Law (PHS/P.Law/004)

(28) Philosophy, History and Spirituality of Patristic Politics (PHS/P.Pol/005)

(29) Philosophy and Theology of Ecology and Environment (PTEE/DT/015)

(30) Philosophy and Theology of Agriculture (PTA/DT/014)

(31) Philosophy and Theology of Higher Education (PTHE/DT/012)

(32) Philosophy and Theology of ICT and Social Media (PTICT/DT 010)

(33) Philosophy and Theology of Holistic Counselling (Marriage/Education/Hospital/Military/Police)

(34) Philosophy and Theology of Three Arms of Government (Executive/Legislature/Judiciary)

(35)  Studies of Multiculturalism, Multi-religionism and Globalization (SMMG/DT/016)

(36)  Theology of Development in the Context of Relativism, Secularism and Neo-Atheism. 

(37) Theology and Praxis of Ecumenism Toda-DDT 104.

(38) Diploma in Catholic Charismatic Renewal & Transformative Chaplaincy-Dipl/CCRM

(39) Diploma in Theology and Pastoral Studies – Dipl/TPS/009)

(40) Bible in Pastoral and Shepherding Studies – BPSS/DT/111)


RESEARCH INTEREST:                                                                                                         


As a Dogmatic theologian, Patristic and Religious educationist and Pastoral Counselor his research interests include, Re-routing the Gospel and re-defining global ethical values; Identification of new paradigms of socio-theological research, interpretation and inculturation of Christian Teaching and Faith in Africa and beyond; Exploration of philosophy and theology to respond to the needs of public interest; Contribution to variety of intersections between ecclesial consciousness and public life (human rights, justice, peace, leadership and development); Investigating relevant new trends of optimizing Patristic wisdom and higher education; Re-alignment of Pneumatology with Pentecostal and charismatic witnessing; Promoting intercultural, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue; Advancing opportunities of African Christian Theology cum Social anthropology including questions pertaining to Ubuntu (Africana Humana) worldview, democratic dispensation and expressions of globalization for deeper evangelization and societal transformation.