Books of Prof. Austin Mumba Cheyeka (Zambia) (i) The Changing Face of Zambias Christianity & its

Implications for the Public Sphere: A Case Study of Bauleni Township in Lusaka (ii) A Christian Nation’: An Incentive from Muslim Identity & Christian-Muslim: Dialogue Theology, Religion & Philosophy(BJTRP), Vol.4, No.1, 2012, pg.45-71 (iii) Charismatic Churches & their Impact on Mainstream Churches in Zambia in Journal of Humanities: The Universities of Zambia, Vol-5,2005, ISSN 1027-7455

Books of Prof. Ferdinand Nwaigbo (Nigeria): (i) An African Christian Perspective. Theology of the Local

Church in the Light of the Second Vatican Council; Peter Lang Berlag, Grankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, WIEN, NEW York, Paris, 1966 (ii) Mary Mother of the African Church. A Theological Inculturation of Mariology; Petr Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern Wien, New York, Paris, 2001, PP.215 (iii) Faith in an Age of Reason and Science. Peter Lang Verlag, am Main Berlin, Bern, WIEN, New York, Paris, 2003, pp.281. (vi) “Self-Reliance in the 21st Century Church in Africa”. AFER: African Ecclesial Review. Published by the AMECEA Gaba Publication

Eldoret, KENYA, February – April 2002, Volume 44, Number 1&2, pp.35-61 (v) The HIV/AIDS Pandemic: A Crucial Task for the Church in Africa. AFER: African Ecclesial Review. Published by the AMECEA, Gaba

Publication, Eldoret, Kenya, March 2004, Volume 46, Number 1, pp.2-22 (vi) Child Labour in Africa: An Erosion of Human Dignity. After: African Ecclesial Review. Published by the AMECEA, Gaba Publication,

Eldoret, Kenya, Vol.46,No.2, June 2004, pp.176-196 (vi) The Church, Leadership and Employment in Africa.

AFER: African Ecclesial Review. Published by the AMECEA, Gaba Publication, Eldoret, Kenya, September 2004, Volume 46, Number 3, pp.260-272 (vii) “The Social Teachings of the Church: Forty Years After

Pacem in Terris.Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies; A Publication of Faculty of Humanities, University of PROT Hr court, Volume 5, Number 2, 2004,pp. 113-125

Book of Prof. Stan Chu Ilo (Canada): The Church and Development in Africa: Aid and Development

from the Perspective of Catholic Social Ethics, Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa2013.

Book of Dr Geoffrey Muhuri (Kenya) The Gikuyu Value of Solidarity as a Way of Enhancing the

Christian Spirituality of Fraternal Concern, Nairobi: CUEA Press, 2013.

Book of Dr Frederick Omolo (Kenya)  Sacrament of Reconciliation and Inculturated Praxis:

Dogmatic Theological Survey from the Perspective of the Luo Bonding Processes;

Nairobi CUEA Press 2010.

Book of Prof. Anthony Parankimalil (India) You are Not Rejected, Nairobi: Vincentian House,

Lavington, Nairobi 2010.

Book of Dr Jereme Sengabo (Rwanda) The Partnership with Death Through Human Despair, Greed

and Jealousy, Nairobi: CUEA Press, 2010.

Book of Prof. Richard Rwiza (Tanzania) Ethics of Human Rights: The African Contributions Nairobi,

CUEA Press 2010;

Books of Prof. Callisto Locheng, (Uganda) Foundations in Missiology;  Nairobi CUEA Press 2010; and Introduction of Fundamental Theology. Nairobi CUEA Press 2010.

Book of Dr Severine Mafikiri, (Tanzania) Christ as the Mangi: Ideal King Christian Transformation for

Deeper Evangelization: A Christology from Chagga Perspective. Nairobi: CUEA Press 2010.

Book of Dr Noelina Nakato (Uganda) The Challenges Posed by Canon 1286 on Church Employers: A perspective on some of Religious Institutes in Uganda in Recognition to DomesticWorkers. Nairobi, CUEA Press, 2010. Book of Prof. Charles Nyamiti (Tanzania)  African Christian Studies, vol. 4 Christ’s Ancestral Mediation through the Church Understood as God’s Family: An Essay on African Ecclesiology, Nairobi: CUEA Publications, 2010.