About Me

Professor Clement Majawa

Rev. Prof. Clement Chinkambako Abeguuni MAJAWA belongs to the Catholic Archdiocese of Blantyre in Southern Malawi. He works in the Ecclesiastical Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Education and as a Senior Researcher. He was a fifth former Dean of the Faculty of Theology and the first Director of the School of Graduate Studies in CUEA. He served in the University Council and University Management Board (2007-2012). He is adjunct Professor and Instructor in some Institutions of Higher Education and Academic Research in Kenya and beyond. He is based at the Catholic University of Eastern African, Karen in Nairobi, Kenya.


Professor Majawa is a Malawian Dogmatic cum Spiritual Theologian, Patristic Educationist and Psycho-somatic therapeutic spiritual Counsellor and Ecclesial Preacher. He is a theological critique and hermeneutic of Inculturation; Prolific Writer, Author and Playwright; Creative Artist, Poet and Motivational Speaker. Facilitator of Conferences on Theology, Spirituality, Education, Ecumenism, Human Rights, Priestly and Religious Life; ‘Ubuntuism’, ‘Africana Humana’ and Magicology. He is Devotional academician of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Catholic Charismatic Movement and Blessed Virgin Mary. He is a Strategic commentator of 5 SENSE-Homo Universalis, 5 ISMS and 5 Revelatory-Kerygmatic and Salvific Faculties in Africa and Global contexts.


“To do integrated research, formative teaching, authentic hermeneutics cum community service, inclusive timely publications and transformative living of the Gospel Wisdom, Church values and Salvific spirituality in the light of reading cum interpreting correctly and righteously the Signs of the Times, at the Service of God, the Church, Humanity and Creation, while seeking to spread the Kingdom of God for the High, Higher and Highest Good in the world today”.

Prof. Majawa



Member of MAWU (Malawian Writers Union)In 1998-2000; Served as a member of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Standards of Education in Malawi appointed by President Dr. Bakili Muluzi; Member of African International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education IAPCHE or Networking Christian Scholars (CPCHEA) – (2013-to date); Sits on several Editorial Boards including: CUEA’s Theological Journal of African Christian Studies (Nairobi); CUEA’s Social Scientific Journal of Education and Humanities; Biblical Studies Journal (Veda Publications, Gunadala, Vijayawada, INDIA) 2016 to date. 

Furthermore, he serves on the following professional international Boards: 

  1. Global Illuminators’ Publishing & Editorial Board, MALAYSIA 2015- to date. 
  2. Advisory Board member: Centre for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology-CWCIT (De Paul University, CHICAGO, USA) 2015- to date
  3. Member of African International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education IAPCHE or Networking Christian Scholars (CPCHEA) – (2013-to date).
  4. Association of African Theologians (ATA)  ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (2008 –to date)
  5. Member representative of COCTI (International Commission of Catholic Theological Institutions) –African Section (2008-2012)
  6. Consultant of Southern Africa Catholic Theological Commission; Member of Society for African Life and Thought (SALT): Academic Research and Transformation in Africa;
  7. The founding member of Theological Outfit for Malawian Theologians (Diaspora) together with Prof. Augustine Musopole (Kenya) Prof. Peter Qeko Jere and Prof. James Amanze (Botswana). Honored with continental award of outstanding ‘African Catholic Theologians’ by ATA in Nairobi (2009); Acknowledged for developing a unique classic innovative ‘Patristic Educational Theory and Practice’ (2005) which was piloted and implemented at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa-Kenya, in some African universities and is highly appreciated by some educational policy makers, implementers and pertinent stake-holders for quality holistic and transformative education and sustainable development.


At the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, he served as Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Director – School of Graduate Studies, Head of Dogmatic Theology Department; Served in some university bodies including: University Council, University Management Board (UMB); University Council Staffing Committee; University Council Finance Committee, University Senate, University Council Evaluation and Planning Committee; University Deans Committee, University Quality Assurance Committee, University Award of Excellence Committee, University Doctoral Committee; University Procurement Committee, Chair of University School of Graduate Governing Board. 

He was instrumental in the drafting of various CUEA policy documents including: Policy and Guidelines for Academic and support staff, ‘Catholic Identity: Meaning and Implementation’ (2009); CUEA Parish: Chaplaincy and Pastoral Council (2010) and ‘School of Graduate Studies: Policies, Guidance and Procedures’ (2016); 

Twice, he was a a Resource scholar at the Regional Body of Catholic Bishops of Eastern Africa – Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan and Zambia (AMECEA): 

  • AMECEA 17th Plenary Assembly at CUEA in Nairobi, Kenya [27th June – 6th July 2011] Theme: AMECEA Celebrating Golden Jubilee of Evangelization in Solidarity. Presentation: “Theological Framework for Addressing the Quality Dimension of Evangelization in the AMECEA Region”, Nairobi: CUEA, 2011, pp. 59-84.
  • AMECEA 18th Plenary Assembly at Bingu International Conference Centre in Lilongwe, Malawi [16th – 26th July 2014] Presentation: “New Evangelization as an Opportunity to work towards True Conversion and Witness to Christian Faith: Emphasis on Family Life and Small Christian Communities”.